To the Editor:

In the late 1970s I worked for the Northeast Organic Farming Association in New Hampshire setting up one of the first farmers markets and a wholesale farm coop in hopes that small-scale vegetable farmers might survive. Things looked pretty grim then.

And now, 40 years later here in Vermont there is such a multitude of small farmers providing us with the best “local” diet I wouldn’t have imagined!

Walla Walla onions, kale of every curl, organic everything, grass-fed eggs and meat, apples and peaches and pears, rainbows of peppers fire-hot to mild, heavy Brandywine tomatoes, locally-grown flour, delicata squash, forgotten varieties and new delights.

Now I look at my dinner plate in awe of everything local and healthy and delicious. I am hugely thankful to all of our hardworking farmers for all of this good food and the happiness it brings.

One more reason it’s good to be here in Vermont.

Rebecca Reno


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