Liam Gannon

Liam Gannon, shown above, fundraised in 2022 to buy essential medical equipment for hospitals in Kenya, including a surgical table, defibrillators, beds, crutches, wheelchairs and more.

Liam Gannon

Liam Gannon

In November, administrators at Copley Hospital fired Liam Gannon, a senior emergency department physician and former director of the department.

That decision was a controversial one. In the immediate wake of the firing, current and former staff members of Copley protested to the board. Two other doctors tendered their resignations earlier this year. On March 6, Gannon filed a lawsuit accusing the hospital of retaliating against him for speaking out against what he described as poor leadership decisions.

(2) comments


As an older woman, one of the concerns I had in moving to and living in this rich, rural Vermont community was whether I could rely on local 24 hour emergency health care.

Knowing Dr. Gannon, a personal friend and times my ER doc, has given me peace of mind knowing I was well provided for either by him or the team.

When Dr. Gannon, Liam, was terminated I shocked. How could the administration of this rural hospital not do whatever they could do to retain a doctor with his experience and abilities; who demonstrated great leadership through the pandemic?

To fire, this compassionate, competent, outspoken, and dedicated physician after his years of service to our community is gross misjudgement.

I have lost confidence in the leadership of this institution and I wish Dr. Gannon the best resolution with this situation.


I can’t believe this is happening up at my beloved Copley Hospital where my late cardiologist husband Dr. Sam Rogers was important years ago! Please resolve this as soon and comfortably as possible for ALL of us!!! Dottie Rogers

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